Archive for BBO Teleseminar Formula
I will promote your product forever…
How would you like me to promote your product forever?
Basically what that means is that I will place an email advertising your Internet Marketing related product in my auto-responder (which is growing quite quickly every day).
That means whenever somebody is added to my list, they will eventually be promoted your product.
I will only be doing […]
Nameless marketer revealed…
Well, it looks like we struck a chord with most of you!
We have been bombarded with forum posts and help desk requests in response to another 20 seats being opened to help create and promote your own product.
However, this time it won’t be with me, but with another well-respected marketer.
This marketer has pulled in over […]
Another way to get a partner…
Today we had our first BBO Teleseminar Formula training call. It went extremely well, and all 20 partners are getting excited about finally making some money online.
Unfortunately I am not able to do this for more people - it just wouldn’t work for me to try to promote 100 people’s products!
However, something interesting happened […]
The BBO Teleseminar Formula Detail Video
With the approach of the release of the BBO Teleseminar Formula Partner program I have created one last video to show you exactly what you will get with this membership.
You can watch the video here:
I will also reveal the cost of this program.
If you are at all serious about partnering with me, then watch this […]
BBO Teleseminar Formula: Clarifications and Answers To Your Questions
We had a tremendous response yesterday to the announcement of our new BBO Teleseminar Formula Partner Program.
We received many questions on the blog and on our help desk.
I want to address those questions now, so please watch this 7 minute video to find out more:
Once you have watched the video please come back here and […]
Partner with me to create and promote a teleseminar product…
How would you like to partner with me to receive training AND help in creating and promoting your own teleseminar product?
I am looking for a select few individuals that are willing to put in the time and work necessary to make this work, and I will be your primary partner in the entire project.
You can […]