Fantasy Island
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Tuesday, 25 January 2011
How To
Fantasy Island
An Eclectic Backpackers in Berlin
Last tickets for today's adventure talk!!!
It's what most of us wish we could do - pack in our day jobs and go on an adventure. Morgan, of Wheel2Wheel will talk to NeCitizens on January 25th at Skylark Lounge, on how he is preparing for the HK-Australia charity motorcycle expedition. Beer will be provided and tickets are only HK$50 (proceeds go to charity). Register now @ orRSVP to confirm your space:
Click here for event pictures and visit our Facebook Fanpage.
Does the rat race, this constant, relentless mad dash towards materialism ever get you down? Do you sometimes crave for conversation where the Dow Jones isn't mentioned, where a 'hedge fund' is really a gardening bill, and where the only fat cats you'll find are sitting in the laps of grannies? We live in a city ruled by money; where girlfriends ask for financial compensation after break-ups (not with us mind, but it does happen to the more feeble), where price tags are worn like trophies (and trophy wives like price tags) and where art is a commodity, not an expression.
Berlin's Propeller Island City Lodge is a serum for the senses, a place where nothing makes sense but everything has a purpose.
Designed for those weary of consumption(and those travelling Germany on a budget),the 30 rooms at Propeller Island are eclecticto say the least.
There is a tubular asylum-looking room with three terraced beds, a room where the floor is on a slant and the bed flies, one dressed like a child's fantasy castle, and one with a revolving bed under gabled ceilings.
Clearly a place where fantasies, of all kinds, come to life.
Propeller Island City Lodge
From €69
Albrecht Achilles Str. 58, Berlin, Germany, Tel: +49 30 891 9016,
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