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JARC is the first and only component made specifically for Joomla, that tracks Affiliate Referrals & Commissions. JARC is the first of many Marketing Specific Components made by JoomlaSiteOwner, the premier site for Joomla Business Owners, where our goal and mission is to unlock the power of Joomla for Internet Entrepreneurs.
Easy Steps to BuildingYour Subscriber List "Whether you are about to start a membership site or already have one, its important to continously be building your list of free email...
Don't Let Your Membership Site FallVictim To This Affiliate Fraud Scam Online Credit Card Fraud Having been doing business online for about 14 years, I have seen quite a few minor...
How to Increase Double OptinSubscribers to Your List It can be frustrating. It's challenging enough sometimes trying to get someone's e-mail address. Then you look at your stats and you...
Launching A Huge Promotion: How toAvoid a Merchant Account Meltdown Imagine working for months on a major promotion. It could be tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for your online...