What if someone was willing to help you make money online? Are you tired of getting frustrated with all the marketing hype? Join A Team That Will Support You Every Step Of The Way! "Once You Understand the Fundamentals, Building A Good Network Marketing Team Is Easy, We Will Teach You How To Have Massive Success Online!" We brought in 1500 members in 10 months! We build sales pages for you! We show you how and where to market. 
July 21, 2008 Dear Friend: ore! Real Success doesn't come from what you learn in a classroom. Real success comes from real world experiences. Today you can learn how to become successful for less than 2 dollars a day. Do you want to become successful in life? This is your opportunity to be mentored by a team that has real world experience in marketing online. My name is Larry Rivera. I have been marketing online for over 7 years. I spent years frustrated with the whole Internet Marketing Industry. It seems there is a new "guru" every other day with the next big thing and if you hurry you might just be able to jump on board and make millions over night. You will hear things like, just hurry up and join my team and I will explode your downline, or if you don't act now you might miss this opportunity forever! They are selling on emotions. Are you ready to get your head out of the clouds and start learning how to market and make money online the right way? To be able to make money online you need to learn the basic principles of online marketing. You need to understand how to utilize all the free marketing tools you can get online. You need to understand how to properly build up your reputation, learn how to leverage other's success to your advantage, and know where to spend your advertising dollars to get effective results. I get results and I can teach you how to get results. As a matter of fact if you join anyone on my team you will learn how to get results. Why? Because what I teach is easy to follow steps that, when applied, will snowball into an avalanche of traffic. 
And believe me, you will need an avalanche of traffic to make any money online, period. The guru's love talking about how they brought in 40 people in two days. They leave out the part that they spent thousands of dollars to do that. The marketing strategies I can teach you will establish your base of operations. I will teach you how to brand YOU. I will teach you how to squeeze every ounce of free advertising available to you. I can almost promise you that you won't make money over night. But I can also promise you that what I will teach you will be worth more than any business opportunity you could possibly join. I mentioned before that anyone on my team can teach you. That's the truth these strategies are so easy to learn and put into action that you will also be able to teach them. Duplication is a matter of understanding once you know what to do. There are 2 things you need to make money online: It all comes down to being able to find leads. The more leads you have the more money you can make! I spent so much time wasting my money and time online that I really feel bad for people just coming online with hopes of making money online. You see most marketers are only looking to work with people who already have money. Makes sense right, if you want to make money attract people with money. Most of us don't have that much money to start. Even worse most of us don't even understand the basics of online marketing.
You finally have a chance to be mentored by a team that will help you make money. The best part is you won't have to spend $1900 to learn from us. As a matter of fact, I don't recommend ever spending money on "special coaching," some people actually charge $5000 to coach other people. You ready for this? I already spent thousands of dollars. Do you know what I learned? That if I wasn't so lazy I could have found out most of that information on my own. On the bright side I am going to spill the beans. I am going to show you how to duplicate my teams success. I found the perfect online business with a low entry cost. Anyone can afford to get into my business and I know if you join my business your success is practically guaranteed. You need your own marketing system. That is the bottom line.. I am going to give you my marketing system for free. Don't waste your time trying to reinvent the wheel. I am going to show you the right way the first time. I am always creating new pages for my entire team to use, I test the pages first to make sure they work and then I give them to you. You will learn where my entire team is marketing and how we are marketing (priceless information) I will host your autoresponder for you. This will save you even more money. 1 on 1 free coaching by me personally. I will help you every step of the way. You will learn at your pace. Whatever your budget is we can make it work for you. You can take a 14-day $2 test drive of my business I will personally contact you and start helping you right away. You will immediately see the difference between us and them. This is a totally risk-free offer. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. And much, much m
Here's What Others Have To Say... "Don't take my word for it listen to what members of my team have to say"...
"I met Larry Rivera about 5 months ago...and I knew from the very first minute that he would be successful. You could hear it in his voice. I saw what he was doing online, and knew his internet marketing skills were great. I learned how he was a Kung Fu instructor, and knew he must also be a great teacher. It all really started to come to life when I started hearing from Larry's team. To keep it short - THEY LOVE HIM! I have built a very large organization online and have seen people from all walks of life succeed, as well as people who have not 'made it'. If you're looking to build a long term, residual income, online, and really want to understand internet marketing, you need to join Larry's team. I am very blessed to have Larry a part of my team. -- Jason Cardamone" Colorado
-Ricky Young
New York
I just wanted to say THANK YOU Larry Rivera. Why, because you have changed my life. Here's how I went from knowing nothing about marketing on the Internet, to getting leads and prospects come in while I sleep. That would not be possible without your mentoring. I now know how to pull leads off the web with no money out of my pocket. All of this in only two weeks time, I know great things are coming down the road with Larry Rivera's expert guidance. Thanks again Larry.
-Dave Friant Winslow, New Jersey
Larry Rivera is by far the best mentor I have ever had or that anyone could ever dream of having. He really knows his stuff and has shared all that he knows with me and others to help us become successful in our own ventures, whatever they may be. Get to know him, he's a great guy and will do anything to help you along your journey to success.-Shawna Smith
Orlando, Florida
Well being a very skeptic person all these years I have to admit Larry your system does work. And I sincerely thank you for introducing me to network marketing freedom! For years I bought all sorts of rubbish that's out there, they promise what they don't deliver, but this system does work!!! I just want to add that my testimonial is from the heart and I mean every word I am saying. What is a shame Larry is that I wasted so much money prior to this opportunity for nothing, if all that money I lost in the past I could somehow invest it here, I would be rich today. One more time thank you so much Larry and keep up the good work
After experiencing limited success with several previous online businesses, I finally realized how important it was to position myself with the right sponsor and team. Before joining a business, my research led me to Larry Rivera, who I had become familiar with through his series of helpful marketing tips from his blog and articles on Internet marketing.
In my first conversation with Larry, I realized not only the extent of his Internet marketing knowledge, but also his sincere interest in helping me and learning what I was looking for in a business opportunity. In an unselfish approach, Larry took the time to learn about my goals, assessed my level of experience, and then guided me through the different marketing approaches he felt would best help me get started. Larry Rivera is truly a leader and a mentor who is committed to helping each of his team members become successful in Network Marketing. -Chris Nicholas St. Louis, Missouri
Dear Larry,
I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you and your help. I am 69 years old and trying to survive on Social Security. I have been in many programs in the past with no success. People would promise to help and that would be the last I would hear from them. All they were interested in is getting me to sign up.
I am not a computer person, matter of fact if I was graded, I would be in Kindergarten. I have learned more in the last week from Larry, than I have in the years I have been trying to learn. He said he would help, but he goes above and beyond what I expected. Not only does he answer my questions, but he literally takes me by the hand and walks me through step by step.
He has never made me feel embarrassed by my questions. I know some of them seem silly, but I am a beginner and to me they are part of my learning. He always calls to make sure I understand what he told me to do. He doesn't overwhelm me, or talk over my head. Instead he guides me with baby steps.
If anyone has tried to make money on the Internet without success, you need to sign up in Larry's group. He will make you successful... IF you are willing to put in the time and effort. He is the greatest. -Bonnie Hunter Memphis, TN Your system ROCKS!!-Ismail Berraoui United Kingdom
Failure Is Not An Option On Our Team! My offer is not for everyone. The reality is 1 out of 10 people have what it takes to actually make money online. It doesn't come down to how much you know or how much money you have. It comes down to what is inside of you. I can and will give you the answers you are looking for but you first must decide to take that first step. Maybe you have been burned before like me and you are skeptical I can understand that. All I am asking from you is to see if what I am saying is true. I am going to tell you for 2 dollars what people have paid thousands of dollars to find out. Think about that for a moment and really let it sink in. Are you looking for some kind of irresistible offer? Folks I am not here to convince you to join me. I am here to help you. If you don't want my help someone else will. If you read this far down that means inside of you there is a real desire to make money online. I am offering you a real chance to do it. There are so many offers online that promise this and that but none of them deliver. Do you know why? Because they don't address your real problems. They try and offer you solutions without knowing your problem. That is why so many people fail at online marketing. I actually know what your problem is because I have been in your shoes. Stop looking for the perfect online business it doesn't exist. What does exist is real people who care about making a difference in peoples life. Success can happen for you but without a burning desire deep within yourself it will never happen. You will never have to do this on your own. You will have full support from me and my upline. I carefully chose the team I am working with. They are the best of the best and have the biggest hearts in the world. I am sure you are wondering if we can really help you. Stop wondering and take action. The longer you do nothing the longer nothing will happen. Massive online success is waiting for you. Total Risk-Free Offer The cost to get into my business is $2 that will give you a full 14 days to look over my entire business. During that period I will teach you more about online marketing than anyone else ever has. I remember when I was first starting out , everyone wanted my money but nobody actually wanted to help me. I actually want to help you.
I will show you how to turn your marketing machine on. I will then teach you to automate most of it. I will work with you every step of the way to assure that you have no question left unanswered.
This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. It's not often that you will find somebody who wants to give you what I want to give you. I will help you find freedom in the truest sense. Sign Up For My Free Newsletter I am looking for people who are serious about achieving success online. What I want to share with you is worth a thousand times more than $2. When you sign up for my Newsletter I am also going to give you access to my Profit Library. You will get everything you need to build your email list. The first step in online success. 
View My Library Here Joining a Business like Ours is Great, but Knowing How to Market It is Priceless! Show Us Your Commitment and We Will Show You Results. Others have been willing to pay us thousands for us to personally mentor them but we know that freedom comes by teaching you how to teach others this Valuable information. Once you join our team we won't just show you testimonials we will introduce you to others like you that we have helped so you can talk to them yourself. Finally the real deal! Take action today! | |