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Marlon’s Marketing Minute
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You’ve seen those pimped out PDF’s that get sent around by every affiliate, their dog AND their postman (or postwoman)? Well, I can’t guarantee you THAT exposure (although it helps if you pay .50 a download). What I CAN show you is how to PIMP OUT your very own PDF’s. That’s one of the benefits I’ve packed into the new Promo Dashboard (this one is a bonus for fast action).
It’s easier than you might imagine. There are 3 ways to do it:
1. Use Power Point — you need a special little graphic and instructions to do that. We give you the graphic and show you how.
2. Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. Piece of cake.
3. Adobe InDesign — This is the pro tool for creating PDF’s. We’ll show you how to do it there too.
Here are sample graphics I whipped up. These SHOULD look familiar. Of course, the GREAT thing is, once you learn HOW to create these, you can make yours look DIFFERENT. You can change fonts, colors, shadows, add a bevel or texture, do all kinds of stuff.
Here are MORE examples of the cool graphics you can ADD to your PDF’s to PIMP ‘em out! Don’t you think having graphics like this makes your PDFs look MORE valuable? I do! And you can even do stuff like this in Open Office or Power Point if you know how! I REMOVE the learning curve, so you don’t have to pull your hair out trying to figure out HOW to do it.
And The Winners Are…
Here are the winners for the PromoDashboard contest:
Text Comment Winners:
1. Gerard LeBlond: He promoted us to his Twitter list! - ’nuff said.
2. Viv Deighton: Her comment sounded really sincere, also she referred to herself as a “screaming-newbie”
3. MJ (posted at 8/4/08 @ 12:08pm) - He hit the nail right on the head. He has the reason why I created promo-dashboard.
4. Joshua (posted 8/2/08 @ 6:56) - Simple and to the point.
5. Keith Debolt (posted 8/1/08) - Another Sincere Comment, thanks Keith!
Video Contest Winners:
1. Paul Flood -
2. Ranier -
3. Gail Morris -
4. Albert Grande -
5. Damon Nelson -
6. Desmond -
We will be announcing the winners of the other contest tomorrow. I loved all of the entries. But I did have to choose winners. I thought these videos and text posts best met the criteria of either creative, sincere or inspiring to others. Marlon
Check this out! Would you like YOUR affiliate tools page to look like this? Imagine what your affiliates would say! Well guess what? We JUST created this for our own affiliates to use in the Promo Dashboard launch. It isn’t even live “yet.” And I don’t have a place for this in the product, so I guess it’ll be a bonus to the first X who buy.
I guess you could call this “pimp out your affiliate control panel.” I haven’t decided yet, but my thoughts right now are that only the first X who buy will get this. You have buttons you can link to emails, videos, PDF’s, commission schedules, stats pages or whatever you want.
If you want to see this puppy LIVE so you can get links, emails and videos to promote the PROMO DASHBOARD, sign up at:
The DASHBOARD will go LIVE at: (it’s NOT live yet…)
Post to me the #1 thing you want to learn about how to Promote Your Products (OTHER than how to get traffic) and get a chance to win 1 of 10 FREE copies of Promo Dashboard in 2 different categories.
First, if you aren’t sure WHAT the Promo Dashboard is about, watch this video:
You don’t HAVE to watch to win. But it’s great free marketing info. And tells you the premise behind Promo Dashboard.
This podcast has more info. And incidentally, Promo Dashboard will show you how to PIMP out your
Podcasts like this one:
There are 3 things to understand about Promo Dashboard:
It is NOT about traffic. It picks up where traffic leaves off
In other words, once people hit your SQUEEZE page, this is what Promo Dashboard is about:
==> Getting people onto your email list
==> Creating a highly attractive freebie that will COMPEL people to join your email list
==> Exactly, specifically HOW to create screen capture videos, PDF’s, courses and other “freebies” that will GET people to join your list.
==> Getting people to CONFIRM their email (very important)
==> Sending out email promos to those folks
==> Taking them FROM emails to podcasts, videos, PDF’s and other tools to get ‘em to BUY!
==> How do you REALLY get people to buy? I remove all the b.s. and “guru speak.” It ain’t that complicated! I show you how you really do it.
==> I’m the ONE guy making things simple for you. Taking away the smoke and mirrors instead of creating endlessley complex charts, power points, systems. Sheez. No wonder you’re confused and overwhelmed!
==> How to pimp out your PDF’s, do the right lighting for videos, add cookie-based deadlines that vanish, add reflections to your PDF call-out qotes, get people on your list, troubleshoot.
I’ve sold millions of dollars online through my email promotions. I’ll send you PROOF in a few days.
I’ve been making my full-time living online since before MOST folks and other teachers were even IN this business. Yeah, they may have been “online.” But were they selling? I can answer that.
Yesterday I saw a forum post by someone who was upset they bought ebooks that were thee same old, same old. The DIFFERENCE is:
1. This is A to Z, step-by-step with screen captures, and videos as needed.
2. I cover both basic AND advanced methods
3. You get killer stuff no one else is teaching like
a. FREE Promo Dashboards will be given to the top 5 text entries on the blog.
b. FREE Promo Dashboards will be given to the top 5 VIDEO entries uploaded to YouTube.
c. My team — Santos, Danny, Sean, Tim and I will judge results.
d. No purchase required. Chances of winning depend on the number of entries. You can see the current number of entries on the blog.
e. Winners will be announced on TUESDAY morning’s email and also posted to the blog. This will be posted no later than 12 p.m. EST.
f. Deadline for entries
Deadline for entries is 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Monday, August 11.
g. WHAT to POST: Tell me #1 thing you want to learn about how to Promote Your Products (OTHER than how to get traffic). This is NOT a product on how to get traffic. I’m sick of the topic and you probably are to. Promo Dashboard STARTS with the Name Squeeze. The contents are listed above.
h. Void where prohibited
i. Higher Response Marketing Inc. is sponsor of this promotion and may change the rules without notice, although this certainly isn’t expected.
This is a screen cap of our PIZZA CAST page….notice the killer ipodish/zoonish looking flash audio player. This is one of the things we’ll be teaching you to do in the new Promo Dashboard. Well, the trick player will set you back 30 or 40 bucks. But we show you where to get it and how to set it up to play your podcasts.
Other people DO trick stuff but don’t show you HOW they do it. They just use it to sell you and keep the good stuff as secrets. But what I do is show YOU how to do what I do.
Oh, and listen to the podcast….there are some good promo tips in it: