Question: Are you frustrated because you've tried just about every program, product and technique to become financially free but keep being let down every single time? If so, I’ve got great news...
What if I could show you the quickest way to make from $200 to $1500 per day doing nothing but working at home with your computer - and get you started in less than fifteen minutes from now?
See how a 26 year old construction worker makes over $7,753 over a two week period thanks to the Profit Lance course.
And that's not even the best part!
The best part is that he has developed long term skills - thanks to the Profit Lance course - that he can use over and over again to generate this type of money consistently! |
- By Michael Andrews
Urgent Message From: Michael Andrews, "Online Entrepreneur"
Date: Thursday, August 28, 2008
Re: Your future success ... |
Congratulations are in order! Your search is now finally over. You've probably been finding ways to make money online, and now you have found one of the most important websites impacting your future.
If you are looking to make from $200 - $1500 per day by working just several hours per week, then this is probably the most important message you will ever read ... so pay close attention and take action right away.
Dear Friend,
I know all about your worries. That's because I was once in that same situation.
- Not knowing how to pay my next bill
- Detesting the job I am forced to do
- Being made ill by all that over time
- Dreaming all day long about mansions, swimming pools and super cars
- Worried about the welfare of my kids
Just imagine how your life would become if you knew what it really takes to creating more money that you have ever dreamed you could make? What if you had the knowledge, skills, tools and resources that allowed you to generate hundreds of dollars, every day, totally on autopilot. In fact, what if you developed the knowledge and skills that allowed you to make money from your ideas at will ...
- All that stress suddenly vanishes
- You can fire your boss and tell him where to shove it
- Take holidays whenever you want and for as long as you want
- Be proud of the car and house that you actually own
- Give your children a rich, fun and fulfilling childhood ...
Now I don't know about you, but this sure was the thing that motivated me in my desire to become financially free ...
The truth is that ...
You Can Now Finally Start Living The Life You've Always Been Dreaming About
It has never before, in the whole of history, been easier for the average person to make "boatloads" of cash in the quickest possible time ... all from the Internet.
As time progresses, due to the expansion and uptake of the Internet, markets grow and new ones are created, hundreds, if not thousands, by the day. This means that there are now literally an inexhaustible number of ways of making money online - but only for those who take action quick.
If you can develop the right type of knowledge and develop the right skills, you can literally create "money-on-demand". Better still, if you have an automated system, and know the real secrets the "gurus" keep hidden, you are far ahead of 99% of people trying to make it big online.
This is what my Profit Lance System is. A "money-on-demand" system.
Introducing Your Path To Financial Success ...
My name is Michael Andrews, the creator of The Profit Lance Wealth Course. After years of being scammed and ripped off with MLM frauds, cheap e-books on how to make a million in one week, and lots of membership sites I was totally dismayed. But ... I was still determined and totally focused on earning big bucks online.
After another year or so, I finally cracked it. To make real big money you just have to "have the knack" so to speak. You need to have certain sets of skills, which once mastered, will allow you to make profits from any online market.
Once I started making money online with some of these essential skills, I began to refine my techniques and scale up my operation. This led to the gradual development of my unique course and system rolled into one - whatever I learned in the process, I made it a part of my system. The result is that I now have an amazing online system that is automated and that brings me cash 24/7.
All I do is just check my emails to see the orders come in and view my online statistics to see my passive income grow. And the best thing is that I don't even have to deliver or ship anything. It's all done automatically. In fact, I don't even have any stock or even own anything.
The amazing thing is that I can make more in one week than an average employee makes in a whole year, and the money is made while I sit and relax, lie in bed, or go on holiday. This is worlds apart from a few years ago, when I was struggling to make ends meet with my own labor whilst making riches for my employers.
If you seriously want to multiply your current monthly income by working only a couple of hours per day, then I eagerly want to help you do it from the comfort of your own kitchen or living room. You don't need to become a technical nerd, an investment guru, real estate tycoon, and you don't have to sell directly to anyone, by phone or otherwise.
All you need is a strong, genuine, burning desire to make huge amounts of money and the revolutionary and breakthrough Profit Lance Multiple Automated Wealth Course. I know its what people have been looking for for years, but were simply never provided it by those whom they trusted with their hard earned cash.
My Initial Misfortune And Failure
Is Your Shortcut ...
Now, you're probably asking yourself whether this is really true or not. This is perfectly natural, and I would be surprised to know that you weren't thinking this! I myself went through this.
I bought scores of e-books, read and read till my eyes were dry, and got taken by fancy marketing and outrageous claims - and I never got rich in the process either! I just got poorer and poorer, chasing after a dream.
However, I was determined to succeed. This I believe is what ultimately led me to success. So I decided to focus on just one method, get it rolling, test it and refine it, and repeat it over, till I was able to maximise the income from it. Then I moved onto another method. By remaining focused like this, I was able to bring together multiple streams of income that have earned me hundreds of thousands in the last year.
Unfortunately for me, this did not happen overnight, or in a week or even a month. It took me well over 18 months to get to this level. But my misfortune is your luck! It means that you don't have to spend the many thousands of dollars that I have spent (wasted) on useless information. It means that you don't have to spend 18 months trying to learn everything through trial and error.
Rather, you can get started straight away and even start to have one of these income streams that are part of the Profit Lance System set up literally within half an hour.
This System Changed My Life And
It Will Also Change Yours ...
I think it would be fair to say that Amazon.Com was one of the strongest influences in my Profit Lance Systen. I'm a regular buyer at Amazon.com and buy books and lots of other things. One peculiar thing I noticed was that a lot of the goods I ordered from Amazon were coming from other merchants and not directly from Amazon itself.
When I looked into this in more detail, I realised that there were lots of people making millions by reproducing this exact same model, but obviously not at the same scale as Amazon. In their own little niches they were pulling in at least six figure incomes. And every single one of them did not even own the products they were selling. They did not even see these products, or have to touch them at all! And in a lot of cases they weren't even physical goods. Just digital products which can be downloaded!
So after researching for a while, I decided to apply whatever little I had already learned and put it all together in a system that I could replicate over and over again to lots of online niches and markets - without having to have any product or stock or sell directly to anyone!
In addition, I discovered other revenue models where you get paid even when a visitor does not buy, but simply clicks a link or submits their name and email address. I added these models into my procedure and produced an even more powerful cash-generating system.
Long Term Skills Allowing You To Make Money From Millions Of Online Markets
Just Like Clockwork
If you look at all of the really big corporations and businesses you will find that the most successful ones are those that don't have their own products. Amazon is an example I've just pointed out. The vast majority of what they sell is not owned by them. In essence they are selling other people's merchandise. This is also true of major offline businesses too.
The Internet has made it easy for ordinary people like you and me to claim your share of this huge multi-billion dollar online economic machine. The great news is that it is getting bigger and bigger every hour as more and more people come online across the globe. This means that markets are always expanding and increasing, and this trend will continue for at least a decade if not more.
This means that this is absolutely the best time for you to start your online business empire.
To be successful online you don't have to have your own merchandise or your own product and there are literally millions of opportunities to take advantage of since there are now millions of online markets. Further, there are many ways you can "monetize" online.
You can even make money when people don't buy anything but just click a link or fill in simple form. Because of the variety of ways that you can make money online, it has never been so easy for any average joe to make multiple times what they make in their regular J.O.B (just over broke).
Profit Lance is the blueprint to the system and it delivers the long term skills which if acquired guarantee your long term success. Profit Lance is not a get rich quick scheme. It is a solid online income business model.
What The Profit Lance Automated Wealth Course Is Not ...
I must make it absolutely clear what the Profit Lance System is not:
- You do NOT have to be an Internet Expert
- You will NOT be participarting in any MLM scheme
- You will NOT need to invest in any business premises
- You will NOT need to hold any products or any stock
- You will NOT need to ship or deliver anything
- You will NOT need to struggle learning how to advertise
- You will NOT need to spend more than a few hours per week
- You will NOT need to buy anything more after you join
- You will NOT need a lot of money to get started
- You will NOT need much time to do it
The only thing that you need to have to is an extremely strong desire to become very rich!
It doesn't matter where you are in the world, the Profit Lance System is open to anyone, anywhere.
A Unique Multiple Income System
The Profit Lance System and Automated Wealth Course is a private members login area that is professionally developed. It consists of scores of individual components, including manuals, articles, ready-made and ready hosted websites unique to you (and you pay nothing), individual items of software and online management tools. It is cutting edge and is constantly maintained and updated - it is NOT a one off ebook download - which is what you get with 99% of all other programs advertised online. You are given practical tasks to perform in form of predefined projects. You get direct first hand experience of the techniques, and you are made to understand what you are doing, why you are doing it, and how it fits into the overall scheme of things.
If you have been scammed and ripped with offers for "data entry jobs" and "type at home" schemes or other make money products whose owners are just interested in making as much money as possible from you, you can be totally assured that this system is on a totally different level. I can guarantee that this system will provide every little detail for all of the real long term money making methods. You will be investing in a complete education on the ins and outs of marketing online - not just a cheap ebook guide.
This is not a 50-100 page outline of money making methods - which is what every other so called program gives you. It is a complete self-contained course and system, along with free websites, productivity tools, manuals and software. To put all of this together would cost you a huge amount of money (literally tens of thousands of dollars), a considerable level of technical expertise, and a very long time.
All of the specific techniques and the specific skills you will learn have been tested and they earn not just me, but thousands of others who have acquired them, a full online income.
I have taken actual screenshots of my Profit Lance earnings which you can see below and also here. You can also see the change in my lifestyle too. These are just some of my many online accounts
Account #1 (I have eight accounts on this network alone)
Account #2
Account #3 (brand new account to do a market test - was successful)
Account #4
Account #5
Account #6 (just one day's profit)
Account #7 (paypal account)
Account #8 (my second CJ account only 2 weeks old)
Sample Check (just two week's net profit from free traffic for one account)
Yes, I slaved away for others whilst having very little time for my wife and kids. Little time for recreation, vacations or health. It was a miserable lifestyle. I've gone from that to having total time freedom. Its not the actual money that is the object. Its actually "time freedom" that is the ultimate goal. Money is just an avenue and a means towards that end. Think what you could do with absolute time freedom!
This proof shows that it is very realisable for an average person with the right education and effort to achieve the exact same result. Heck, literally thousands of people are realising the huge power of the Internet and after anything from three to six months are on well on their way to leaving their jobs and developing their online businesses full time.
Ordinary People Like You Who Have Applied The Profit Lance Methods And Are "Profitlancing" To Their Success ...
...It is "hands down" the absolute BEST!
Dear Mike,
I don't think it is possible for me to express in an e-mail how utterly blown away I am at the massive amount of information, training, examples, videos and advice you have managed to cram into your Profit Lance course. But I am going to try.
To say I am impressed is frankly, saying too little!
More to the point, I have never, ever, EVER! been so pleased with any purchase I have made online. To anyone who has been "burned," or cheated by other so called "systems" or "Gurus" I can only say emphatically, that your course delivers the real goods!
If someone is looking for a program that will truly teach them a solid way to earn money on the internet, your Profit Lance program is a MUST GET!
It is "hands down" the absolute BEST!
Thank you so much! Sincerely,
Mark L., US
This is a genuine testimonial, see proof here. |
... $30 - $50 a day!
I purchased the Profit Lance course in January 07. Having bought a few get rich quick flops in the past, I was hesitant to go for this one. With the money back guarantee I figured I had nothing to lose.
Having access to this course for nearly 6 months now, I am POSITIVE it was the best financial decision I have ever, and will ever make.
Mike doesn't just tell you how to make money, he educates you on how to make money, breaking things down step by step through his own ebooks, videos and publications.
I knew nothing about affiliate marketing, adsense or SEO tactics before I bought this course. I am only 24 years old and since I made the move to get the Profit Lance course, I have formed my own adsense business that is currently generating me $30-$50 a day, with about 15 hours of work (if that's want you want to call it) per week. And it grows every day!
Mike M, Missouri, US
This is a genuine testimonial, see proof here. |
Imagine Your New Lifestyle
You won't be working as a slave making others rich any more. You can have the total freedom to do all the things you really enjoy. Go shopping, go on a holiday, take your kids out. You can do all of this while you are earning money through your automated income streams.
You can wake up at any time in the morning (or afternoon if you like). No more card-punching. You can visit the park, go to the beach and spend quality time with your family.
In short, you can do basically whatever you like because you will have total time freedom - the ultimate goal - once you start implementing the Profit Lance system. You should not hesitate to invest in this package straight away to make that long-deserved improvement in your life. Yes, you do deserve it!
Click Here Right Now For Your Risk Free Evaluation
Try Out The Profit Lance System Free For Eight Weeks
I thought of putting together the absolutely best and and risk free deal to make sure you definitely have the chance of seeing that this system works.
The best way is to give you a risk-free evaluation of my course for eight whole weeks. And if you haven't made your investment back in that time, I will refund your money with no questions asked.
This means you have absolutely nothing to lose by trying out Profit Lance for free, but fortunes to gain.
So here is my solid iron-cast guarantee:
If you've got this far, I know that you are smart enough to realise that the only way you can lose is by not taking the risk-free evaluation of The Profit Lance Automated Wealth Course.
If my course and system rolled into one does not make you more money than your risk-free investment, I don't deserve to have your money! But you know what ... here's a little secret ...
The truth is that you will NEVER have to worry about a refund. What is the reason WHY? Because once you get into the private membership area and see what you are getting, you will be wondering why I did not charge multiple times more.
Click Here Right Now For Your Risk Free Evaluation
Get Full Lifetime Access For A
Ridiculously Low
One Off Cost
You are probably wondering what a complete system and course rolled into one like this is going to cost. Well let me tell you what it has cost me to date:
I've invested over $30,000 in my own education and training so far. I've taken around 18 months to codify and plan this system. Add to that the development costs and recurring costs for all the resources and tools I've included. It is a complete self-contained course and system, along with websites, productivity tools, manuals and software. This is not your typical "ebook" like the vast majority of other products out there.
Bearing all that in mind, I've easily put around $50,000 behind all of this and that excludes my own time and frustration in the whole process.
Considering that this is a lifetime membership access, you would easily be paying anything from $29.95 to $97.00 at least on a monthly basis to get what I have provided in my Profit Lance Automated Wealth System. You can go and read the testimonials to see that people are ridiculing the current cost because it is just too low!
So I've decided to price my product at $197 to make it accessible to as many people as possible. However, for a limited time, and only for the next 30 enrolment reservations, I am offering everything for just $97 $77. That's basically less than $00.21 per day for just one year's membership. You get lifetime access, so it's actually much less! Is your future worth this tiny investment?
You might ask why my product is not priced like others at $49.95. The reason is simple. There is simply no comparison between my product and others. This is not an "opportunity seeker" product. I mean its not for those people who buy a product, try it for two weeks, then move on the next, and then the next. Because my system works like clockwork for those who implement it, and because it is a dynamic and constantly updated program, it is priced accordingly. Thus if you are an "opportunity seeker" about to enrol into my system and not implement my system, please DO NOT join!
I am also in the process of changing the Profit Lance System into a monthly membership site that will cost between $30 to $50 per month. If you get in now, you will have full unrestricted lifetime access, with all future updates for free, with nothing else to pay. So I urge you not to miss the boat on this one!
Click Here Right Now For Your Risk Free Evaluation
Start Your Risk-Free Evaluation Now And Get These Limited Bonuses
Bonus #1: Twelve Money-Making Websites Already Set Up And Hosted!
These are the exact types of sites I use to generate thousands of dollars per month in revenue without having my own product. By investing in the Profit Lance System today, you will receive your own unique set of sites - twelve in total - all fully created, programmed and hosted - free of charge. Each site would normally cost you $199 - that's a product value of almost $2400! Today, you pay nothing - nada, zilch. You've got a complete network of pre-built sites, promoting the hottest selling niche products out there. Now that's some leverage |
Bonus #2: Private Members Blog With Updates, Strategic Advice, Direction And Tips
I am always updating my system because new techniques appear and new trends emerge and you have to keep on top of it all. You get access to my private blog which covers all new developments, trends and opportunities, as well as very useful advice and tips that can save you money or make you money. This is an invaluable resource that will keep you at the forefront of developing your online business. You would not be able to get this type of ongoing help from anywhere else without having to pay recurring monthly fees! |
Bonus #3: My Own Custom Developed Online Task Manager For Maximum Productivity And Goal Management
I strongly believe that the real reason why I make more money that most people out there is because I have a secret tool to keep me ultra-productive. It's my own custom built task manager. This is outright amazing and I can't believe I am throwing this in. I log into this every day, from this very site, and manage all my money-making activities whilst most other people don't know whether they are coming or going in their online activities. I had this system built to make my already existing Profit Lance System even more productive. For a limited time, I am giving access to it as a free bonus! |
Bonus #4: My Google Success Formula
Last year I generated over $200,000 dollars in Adsense revenue. All of that was pure profit. I'll give you my unique Adsense formula that gives you a complete blueprint as to how to set up your own Adsense empire that brings you cash 24/7. Kick start your adsense business with this limited offer package. This bonus content shows you the exact same techniques I used to generate this revenue, and how to build your own network of adsense sites using my proven, systematic, scientific formula. |
Bonus #5: Over 50 "Over The Shoulder" Video Tutorials
For a limited time only I am throwing in over 50 "over the shoulder" video tutorials. These are very detailed "how-to" videos where you are shown, literally over the shoulder. Yes you are actually watching how things are being done. I reserver the right to pull these videos at any time and sell them as a totally separate product. |
Please note that this is strictly a limited offer. Due to ever our increasing number of members, I will not be able to offer these bonuses for much longer.
Start Building Your Automated Income Streams Right Now!
Just Click The Red Button Below And Start Your Risk Free Evaluation Of The Profit LanceTM Automated Wealth System Right Now.
This proven and established system gives you everything you need to finally build solid income streams and give you the lifestyle that you have always dreamed about.
Here is what is included:
- Complete access to the Profit Lance private members area - a goldmine of education and training
- An entire network of pre-hosted websites
- My secret research tools and methods
- Practical tasks to give you hands on experience
- Huge resource of "over-the-shoulder" videos
- Extensive and constantly growing content database
- Documentation of my secret blueprints, research and implementation methods
- Strategic support - you get direction, tips and advice
- Free updates for life!
... and much more ...
Your evaluation of The Profit LanceTM Automated Wealth System is backed by my cast iron, no quibbles guarantee. All of the risk is on me.
Does that sound good? You bet it does.
- By Michael Andrews |
P.S |
Don't leave this page empty handed. You've got a whole 8 weeks to evaluate Profit Lance without risking anything. If you would like a refund at any time during the 8 weeks simply email me. You'll get a refund with no questions asked. Even if you do ask for a refund, you will have benefited from the outstanding education and training you will receive. So its completely risk free.
Click Here Right Now For Your Risk Free Evaluation |
P.P.S |
This is a one-off chance to get access to my system, course and membership area for a very low one-off cost.
I am currently in the process of changing my service to a monthly membership site that will cost $30 - $50 per month. If you join now, you are guaranteed not to pay anything more for full lifetime access!
Click Here Right Now For Your Risk Free Evaluation |