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Webové stránky Desitinu umožňují uživateli přístup k materiálům, které jsou chráněny autorskými právy, jako jsou např. databáze redakce, vzhled stránek a další písemné i obrazové materiály, požívající této ochrany. Uživateli se povoluje, aby si tyto materiály mohl pro svou vlastní potřebu stáhnout a případně vytisknout. Nesmí je však dále rozmnožovat a šířit ve větším počtu. Na každé takto pořízené kopii musí být označení, že se jedná o autorský materiál (výtisk) firmy Desitin Pharma
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Záruku naprosté správnosti, úplnosti a aktuální platnosti obsahu a informací na webových stránkách firmy Desitin Pharma nelze poskytnout. Veškeré zde poskytované informace jsou právně nezávazné. Ručení firmy Desitin Pharma za případné hmotné škody vzniklé záměrným či úmyslným zneužitím těchto informací nebo hrubým zanedbáním je omezené.
Webové stránky firmy Desitin Pharma umožňují uživateli také přístup a seznámení se s informacemi a údaji, jejichž obsah a formu nemůže firma Desitin žádným způsobem ovlivnit. To platí zvláště o odkazech na jiné webové stránky. Tyto odkazy slouží výhradně jako doplňující informace a jako přídatný servis pro uživatele. Odkazy na jiné webové stránky a internetové publikace nelze v žádném případě považovat za doporučení výrobce a jejich produktů nebo poskytovaných služeb. Zde uváděné informace nejsou v žádné spojitosti s firmou Desitin Pharma a firma také nepřebírá žádnou záruku za jejich správnost a úplnost.
Self Hypnosis-What Is It Really All About?
By Clifford Mee
Sometimes it can seem like your mind is your own worst enemy. You can't seem to quit smoking,
or perhaps you have other habits and patterns of thinking that cause more trouble than they
are worth. Then again, maybe it is not your mind that is the problem, but life, throwing all
sorts of apparently insurmountable problems your way. If you've ever wished there was a way to
use your mind more effectively, and to get inside it and turn off those negative thoughts and
behaviors, you'll be pleased to know that such a method exists. It is known as self hypnosis,
and it allows you to use the power of your own mind to solve problems and make the changes
that you have been wanting to make, both in yourself and your life.
Essentially, the process of self hypnosis involves putting yourself in a state of increased
relaxation and suggestibility. During this time your unconscious is allowed to work directly
on the problems you put before it. You will experience increased mental focus during this
time, as your mind sets itself to work on whatever task you have given it. This is also an
excellent time for self affirmation, telling your mind what you would like to be, or have, and
allowing it to manufacture states of being or find ways to get what it is you are asking for.
There are two main types of approach that you can take to self hypnosis. The first way is very
controlled and mechanical. You enter the hypnotic state, and then make suggestions to yourself
in the form of words or mental pictures.
The second approach, and the more favored one for reasons that will be made clear, is to set
the goal of the session before you enter the hypnotic state. Let your subconscious know what
it is you would like it to work on. This is known as prehypnotic suggestion. Then you can
simply relax during the hypnosis itself and let your unconscious work its own way around the
The second approach is favored as it more fully allows you to unlock the power of your
unconscious mind. Simply giving it the problem and letting it go to work on it is a holistic
approach that minimizes the filters of your conscious.
The iMethod is a technique you can follow if you want to take a more structured approach to
self hypnosis. It is essentially a set of exercises performed consciously, such as repeating
affirmations, imagining various things, in an effort to reach the unconscious via the
The Betty Erickson technique is a technique that utilizes the power of your unconscious
directly, and is an established method of self hypnosis which you might find useful in your
own practice. The steps are detailed below if you wish to try this technique for yourself.
First get comfortable. Try to slow your breathing and relax your body. This is not a stressful
exercise, nor one you should be in a state of excitement for.
State your goal before you begin. Tell yourself "I am going into a trance in order to ..."
This is where you state what you would like to achieve with the trance. Then say "During this
session, my unconscious mind may make adjustments so that...." Once again, you state your
objective, reaffirming it in your mind, and giving your unconscious permission to have free
rein to work on the problem you have posed it.
Then state "In __ minutes , I am going to feel....", and tell yourself how you want to feel
after the trance is complete, and how long you want the session to last.
You then begin the induction phase. Take notice of three things that you see, one at a time.
These should be three objects in your environment. Then take note of three things that you
hear, it could be the clock ticking, or the wind rustling outside. Next, become aware of
three sensations your body feels, the feel of your clothing, a slight heat, whatever cues your
environment is providing. Continue this process, now going to two things that you see, hear
and feel.
Once you have completed this process, close your eyes. It's now time to imagine an object,
"see" it in your mind's eye. Then imagine a sound, followed by a feeling. Once you have
completed this cycle, repeat with two images, two sounds, etc, up until you have reached three
of each again.
You may find that you lose track during this process, which is okay, as it tells you you have
reached a point that the trance has been effective. You can stop this at any time that feels
good to you to stop. Interestingly, this is very often close to the time you suggested
Practicing this technique frequently will allow you to become a more effective self hypnotist,
and see more of the results you are looking for. Remember that this is the unconscious mind
you are dealing with, so even though you may not see directly relevant results immediately, it
does not mean that your mind have not found a solution and is working on it for you. You may
suddenly find that you have what you wanted when you least expect it. The most important thing
you need to do to make your self hypnosis sessions as effective and enjoyable as possible is
simply to relax and put your trust in the power of your mind. You can do it.
Clifford Mee is an author, hypnotist and wilderness explorer. You Can Learn Hypnosis with
his Self Hypnosis Training & Hypnosis Cds at
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Ron Peer
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