Nákup -moda pro ženy
Náhledy fotografií ze složky VOJÁCI DARKOVIČKY 2009
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Women's Bodies In Women's Words
From Ellen Denham edenham@iquest.net:I have recently started a project 'Our Breasts Are - Women Describe Our Breasts in Our Own Words' at http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/1359/describe.html. The purpose of this is to allow women to submit adjectives they (not their boyfriends, the fashion industry, etc.) would like to use to describe their own breasts, and I will make a collage of words from the resulting adjectives, which I intend as a celebration of sorts of female sexuality and enjoyment of our own bodies. I haven't gotten a big response yet and think I need to generate more traffic. I hope you can help me out with a link or suggest somewhere else appropriate.
If you're interested in participating in this art project, please follow the above link.
http://www.preklady.com/::: Běžně překládané písemné materiály :::
ttp://www.preklady.com/::: Běžně překládané písemné materiály :::
Still asking yourself "Shall I or shan't I" with regards to becoming a uVme business associate.
Maybe, just maybe, that a video recording of last night's meeting will help:
Warm regards,
Your dedicated uVme team leadership
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